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Push Man  (Someone who pushes!?)

starbike-pshman スチール部レームツーリングなど
Suitable for long touring, camping touring, gravel riding, city riding
When I was looking for a bicycle that could be used in various situations, I found it.
The material is an iron (chromoly) carrier, and all mudguards can be placed.
The center stand can be installed so that the stand does not fall down.
700x30C or
27.5 x 2.0 
You can choose either.
On school is 700C.
The off group is 27.5.
Above all, his name is pushman. Assuming push from the beginning.
The body is long, especially the rear. This is because the luggage behind and the legs do not interfere.
There are many holes. Various equipment can be attached without a band
​ Quick shaft. Easy to put on and take off even with luggage.
​The thru axle cannot be removed if there is a side back.
​Flat bar specifications are also available. In that case, it will be MTB parts.
​ (Flat bar specifications can be ordered from spring 2021 due to lack of parts)
価格 価格改定のため計算中
初心者朝朝練  取り扱いブランド SSC    ON LINE SHOP    



TEBE Dealer

payment method
Up to 84 cash loans
Various credit cards (Bonus batch is not supported)
PAYPAY    Rakuten Pay and others
App paymentVarious electronic money


business hours

Weekdays 10-18
Saturday 9-18
Sundays and holidays
Closed on Tuesdays

ベルエキップ ロード グラベル

-Miyagi - Sendai City Road Bike - Sendai Road Bike   Gravel Bell Equip

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